Empowering Education: Our 10 Year Journey with Room to Read
Kerstin Welsch
In a world characterized with fast-paced economic growth and relentless competition, it has become increasingly important for businesses to extend their influence beyond profits. Aligning our business with a meaningful cause, helping to address societal challenges and contributing to positive change, we are helping address some of society's most pressing challenges.
Here we share a short report on a decade-long journey of a business that has made a significant impact by supporting the nonprofit organization Room to Read.
We believe that education is the cornerstone of progress and empowerment. We understand the profound impact that literacy and education can have on the lives of individuals and therefore on communities. That's why we are proud supporters of Room to Read, a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving children's literacy and girls' education across Asia and Africa. Since the early 2000, the organization transforms the lives of millions of children through education and achieves lasting social change.
For any business, the decision to align with a meaningful cause is not just about writing a check; it's about making a conscious choice to be a catalyst for positive change. As an IT company, our people are dedicated to life-long learning and deeply commited to responsiblity. Over the last decade, we have been contributing financial support to Room to Read. Room to Read, a nonprofit organization founded in 2000, stands as a testament to the transformative power of education. The organization's mission is simple yet profound: to ensure that all children, regardless of gender or background, have the skills and support they need to unlock their full potential and to reach more children, build more libraries, print more books, train more teachers, and support the educational journeys of so many. We strongly believe in the importance of accountability and impact measurement. Room to Read shares regular reports and updates on the progress made through their programs, such as the number of libraries and schools established, books published, and children benefiting from scholarships. Through our support, we have witnessed firsthand the transformation of communities where Room to Read operates, as children gain the skills they need to break the cycle of poverty, and (especially) girls are empowered to pursue education without fear or discrimination.
Until date, it has been an immensely rewarding experience for us as a company and as individuals. By sharing our journey and experiences with Room to Read, we hope to inspire individuals as well as other businesses to take action and contribute to this worthy cause. Together, we can create a brighter future through education and we invite all businesses to embrace this powerful alignment so they can become beacons of hope in a world that despreately need them.